Summer break and the kids are free and at home. TV is always on or they are staring at the cell phone or iPad and playing games. Not good for them at all!
You are home staying mum or grandma and maybe you don’t have backyard where they can play so you have to think what to do in 4 walls. Sometimes that process is sooo frustrating for parents and for the kids. Maybe you already tried all Pinterest is offering and now what… What to do with the kids during the summer time?
Here is an idea! Why don’t you teach them how to crochet? Ok! Maybe you don’t know how to crochet and when you look at your hands you see two left hands… Learn how to crochet together and they will be soooo happy because you will be near them. I’m telling you it will be such fun time!
This skill will improve their fine motor skills, math skills because they will count chains and other stitches, and they’ll learn how to be patience and much more.
For a start explore some YouTube channels about crocheting or you can start here on my blog. Go to local store and buy some yarn and hooks with your kids. Write down what would you like to make and be realistic, try some simple things and next summer who knows… maybe you’ll have few crochet experts in the house and your project will be much more complicated 🙂
Decide which day or days in week you will crochet and try to make it like bonding time. Sit on the floor, couch or around table and put nice table cover. Serve some cookies, fruits and fresh drink and enjoy in learning process.
Give small pieces of yarn to smaller children to feel the texture, to older children give the yarn and the hook and show them how to make chains. When they practice that teach them more.
When they learn basic stitches you will enjoy in silence and counting or in funny stories that kids tell you about 🙂
I hope you’ll arrange these crochet parties often to teach your children the new skills and to enjoy in their company.
Until next time – cheers!